Friday, May 14, 2010
Evolution 8
too long nv post.. too lazy to come my blog.. today morning went to the basketball court near davin there plau ball. won 3 matches in a roll. play until 12.50pm then went to sp eat lunch. afterthat went to arcade play maximum tune 3. play a few ghost battle and some challenge. lost all challenge. too noob. then when to mac discuss something. then when home...
Saturday, April 24, 2010

wow... so long nv post my blog as im too lazy.. actually nothing to post... ytd sch find. after sch yann yang theat me, kenny, sean, pei wei, kelvin, ying wei and marcus go prata place eat prata.. me, kenny and sean went to yann yang house first as he wanted to change cloth. then reach his house went in super big and his dog very cute lo. but kenny looked abit scared. then went to his room and kenny lend a guitar from him as he wanted to try the guitar.. then we walk to prata place meet the other.. after eating went back to sch play basketball. then went home at 5+.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
sport day tmr...
this few week sch was normal... had my 16th birthday last week... but nv celerbrate much and get very litter present... it ok nvm... today was ok. but recess the whole class stand infront of the parade square for some rubbish... then after school go for chem AEP then play basketball with the most of the AOS people... then tmr is our sport day... meeting the boys at civil mac at 6.40am.. then will walk to the stadium...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
unlucky and lucky
today very unlucky. lost my handphone in the morning then went home take the box for imei no. then went to sembawang police station make a report with ken. then went back to school for archery around 11.30am. afterthat went to sembawang shopping centre eat aston. kenny chay treat us the meal. walking around there for awhile and then went back home. then just now build finish my ARIOS GUNDAM. and watch k.o one until ep 13. and now going to sleep...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
internet problem
actuallly ytd wanted to post but my internet connection got abit problem. also don know wad happen, just can't be connected. cycle to sch ytd. i use my very slow speed to cycle, need around half and hour to 45mins to reach school. had MT test, maybe this can pass. recess time just eat abit of thing. then have english. was having a lot of fun talking crap with everyone. then after school have archery. talking about taking care of equitment because someone found some arrow around the field. then after meeting straight away cycle back home cos the sky look like going to rain. back home on comp and sleep infront of the comp. then at night my sis called singtel to slove the internet problem. then it was slove, but after a while it come again. then i very boring lo. cannot watch my show. today went to school for the flatday thing. went around the woodlands area. and we all saw causeway there got a lot ppl from other school, so we went down to marsiling. gain a lot of profit there, but is not for me la. went back to school around 11.30am. after flatday, me, kenny and pei wei went down to queenway shopping centre to get our AOS cloth but when we reach there the shop is close. and must wait until the vandor come back from lunch. but when the vandor is back, he say our cloth don have enough size to make. so we choose another patten. then bus back to marsiling... till here
Saturday, February 20, 2010
a very fun day.
today went out with most of the AOS friend and christy, YP and hui min. meeting marcus at 9.30 at sembawang mac. then meet yusof at yishun MRT station and head down to orchard taka to buy phiten. went there walk and play until 10.45am then head back to woodlands to meet the rest. take 912 to christy house. we went there play blackjack, majong and went for a swim. davin teach me, YP, yusof and kenny play majong. at first i don know anything about the game, but after lunch i play the game i win. i keep on eating marcus card. then i eat until left one tile. but lucky i got the tile fast and win the game. then i give my sit to YP. sitting between her and alex. helping them a bit. then the second game is yusof win, next is marcus, then YP and last is kenny. alex did not win any game because most of his turn are skip. then when went to swim for 1 hour. sean, kelvin and hui min went back first. after swimming marcus wear the shirt look like the fuchun primary uniform then i say him primary school kid. then take bus to causeway point eat and walk around. afterthat went to the play ground near my primary school to play catching. then went home at 7.30pm. LOT OF FUN!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
back to post
hey. i have not post anything since chinese new year celebration. have a lot of fun during new year. when to malaysia visit my grandma and relative. at the first day of chinese new year night, i and my cousin put fire work to make the night sky bright. then second day came back to singapore. third day stay at home rushing my homework. then this two day school was find. nothing much to say.
Friday, February 12, 2010
chinese new year celebration
today school a bit cuck. morning had a very long talk buy some of the teacher. boring until i going to sleep. afterthat went back to class to do the hamper. only got 12 people do, the rest go for achievement day thing. then 11.15am went hall for the celebration. super suck lo. only got one performance and its not very, cos the ava got a lot of problem. but kenny very hyper at seeing girl singing. after the celebration, went back home to shower. then go to causeway point meet them. went to have sakae sushi for lunch. then when paying the bill, they give not enough money to me. then i have to use my own money to help them pay first. afterthat walk around causeway to relax ourself. then went home. saw my bro using the comp. then i can't use. now he went out for awhile. later come back home use again. till here... wish all my chinese friend a happy chinese new year!!! 恭喜发财
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
back to blog...
wow.. long time nv post since so long... too lazy to post. school was ok this few day. but the lesson are boring. have lesson from morning to afternoon. then do some of my homework then play basketball. went home around 3pm. went shower then on comp. doing nothing now. wanted to go sleep... bye
Sunday, January 31, 2010
going out
today went to china town with my mother and sister. train to china town around 11am. went to have lunch then they walk around to buy their cloth. afterthat tak 961 back to marsiling. on the way saw 2 mitsubishi lancer evo 10, evo 8, mazda MX-5, 2 MX-5 miata, nissan fairlady 370Z(Z34) and 3 porsche. went home do eng compo. think very long to write the compo. then now go to sleep. now day very boring. someone nice ppl talk to me.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
fun fun fun...
today went out with davin and yusof. meet davin at sembawang MRT staion at 9am then wait for yusof for a while. then went to causeway point to to eat mac. afterthat look around for shoe. cos yusof wanted to see. then went to arcade play maximum tune. afterthat we take train to orchard. then meet up with ken and pei wen at takashimaya. have our lunch at KFC. finish lunch davin and yusof went back first cos davin going to meet his parent. then yusof went home. then me, ken and pei wen went to bugis juntion walk and play arcade. ken and pei wen treat me 8 maximum tune games. up two Lv for my ghost and one more to go. thank anyway. then we walk to iluma look around and went back to bugis juntion then take 960 back to woodlands. but i alight at marsiling and they sit all the way to woodlands.. till have...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
pain, pain, pain...
today sch was fine. have pe first, very tried. then eng and afterthat is maths. then phy class use umpc. most of the pc are spoil, so most of the people have to share. next is POA, teacher is not around. sean and daving very funny. sean want his scissors back from davin but davin want sean's poa hw to exchange for the scissors. then sean drag me in and davin take my pencil box away and then i take davin pecil box. then davin go call the relief teacher but she didn't ans. sean take out davin's pen and davin go take away my staple. then i use his pencil box to exchange for sean de scissors. then i tell sean just lent him the hw. but he don want, but he giv me copy. then i done le i giv to davin. FT nothing much, talking about how to get in NYP. then after school when to POA class again, cos sean take teacher's ans aheet to copy the ans. afterthat went to archery. shooting not very good cos very tried. then coach want me to shoot more arrows. she want me to ignore the pain and continue shooting. then i shooted all the arrow at the middle. i was wow. only three on the side. but all the arrows very difficult pull out cos out of energy. but sean help me to pull most of the arrow out. after archery went to car park play basketball. had make my left leg injured. cos i jump to take the ball then pw also jump then he push me and my knee hit on the floor. was bleeding quite long. afterthat went home. can someone tag my blog...
Monday, January 25, 2010
today sch was ok. but very bored. cos had running nose, but was ok now.first MT still ok, had to do mindmap. physics take back test paper. had a pass. ch lesson make me bored. teacher didn't teach much today but he wan us to present our project. but my group did not do. so teacher wan us to present tmr. then had recess, do nothing much too. english take back teast paper too. also had a pass. then maths do some question and then is assembly. had a talk about how to take care of our eyes. but is a bit dry. then our year masters hold us back for don wad thing. then went to kopitam with andy and davin to eat lunch. after that went home
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
today school was ok. have pe for the first lesson. doing circuit training. drain a lot of my energy and make me abit sleepy for the next two lesson. then went for recess and afterthat is phy. have a test. then POA mdm khoo didn't come cos she went to competition. afterschool went for archery. done a very stupid thing at warming up. i through the odac key was missing then i ask ken, kenny, sean and davin to walk around the sch to find the key. but when i go check my bag again, i found the key is inside my bag. then we went back the field to train and couch ask my wad am i finding the i say i walk around to find my wallet. then coach ask where i lost it then i say i found it in my bag. then she say don be too careless. afterthat go shoot for a few round then started to joke around. then 5.30pm archery end.. thx guys make ur walk for nothing... and happy birthday to sean
Friday, January 15, 2010
normal day
today got my locker. at first don know how to use the lock then YP teach me how to use it. then i put davin, sean, kenny and mine POA book to the locker to make the bag lighter. then after sch help mdm jayanthi put the archery banner up. take up and down for 3 time to make her happy. then went to play basketball. afterthat 4pm went to do homework in the canteen. finish homework went to play ball again then keep it in the locker... im bored... ><
Thursday, January 14, 2010
every where pain
ytd didn't post because my brother using comp playing game. so can't get to use it. ytd school was ok. morning went to mac wait for everybody. when the time is 7.40am still no one come then after ken reach then marcus. when we going to go school kenny and PW just reach mac.
the first lesson is PE. had the circuit training. run alot like siao and after that leg pain. >< then have maths and english lesson. then recess time went to give the money for locker. then i POA forgot to bring the text book. after school have archery meeting until 5+ then went to kopitam eat something to fill me. then to is abit dry. have to reach school at 7.10am because mdm jayanthi wanted us to use the time to read. first lesson is english, do nothing much. then have POA, was going through the apropriation question. then have maths also nothing much. then is recess and afterthat is chemistry. give YP all the chewing gum i left. chem lesson super dry. dry until i going to fall a sleep. then have CLD lesson. talking wad to do in out life blah blah blah... after school went to ISH to play bb. play untill 5.30pm the went home...
the first lesson is PE. had the circuit training. run alot like siao and after that leg pain. >< then have maths and english lesson. then recess time went to give the money for locker. then i POA forgot to bring the text book. after school have archery meeting until 5+ then went to kopitam eat something to fill me. then to is abit dry. have to reach school at 7.10am because mdm jayanthi wanted us to use the time to read. first lesson is english, do nothing much. then have POA, was going through the apropriation question. then have maths also nothing much. then is recess and afterthat is chemistry. give YP all the chewing gum i left. chem lesson super dry. dry until i going to fall a sleep. then have CLD lesson. talking wad to do in out life blah blah blah... after school went to ISH to play bb. play untill 5.30pm the went home...
Monday, January 11, 2010
too long nv post...
hai.. this few day to lazy to post anything. so nv post for a week i think. this few day bag quite heavy. everyday need to bring so many book to school. lucky most of lesson at first and second floor. so don need to much strenght to carry and this few day quite boring. cos the teacher teach until i going to sleep in class.[ but i won't ] make sure tmr lesson will be interesting. till here...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
1st and 2nd day of school
ytd for got to post cos ytd in school very boring. sit at the hall from 7.20 to 10.45 hear the teacher to say about school reopen and so on. after recess go back to form teacher class and our form teacher is the same. we at class played some game until the end.
then today school still ok. have eng lesson first then 9.25 went up to the hall for mr sulaiman last talk cos he is leaving this friday. then have PE. take our height and weight. my height still the same. hai... when can i grow taller.. forget that.. then have recess and afterthat is physics lesson. our physics teacher still not bad. after school went to the canteen sit at ther with davin. around 4 went to KFC have lunch.. then go home.
then today school still ok. have eng lesson first then 9.25 went up to the hall for mr sulaiman last talk cos he is leaving this friday. then have PE. take our height and weight. my height still the same. hai... when can i grow taller.. forget that.. then have recess and afterthat is physics lesson. our physics teacher still not bad. after school went to the canteen sit at ther with davin. around 4 went to KFC have lunch.. then go home.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
last day of holiday...
tmr school start again. don know that holiday will end so fast. feel like not doing much thing in this holiday. everyday stay at home doing nothing. but tmr sch start can see all the classmate again. so see everyone in school tmr.
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Happy Year!!!
Hi all. it the last day of 2009 sosay goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010. guess this year pass very fast. it like i do nothing much this year. and next year is a important year too. have to study very hard already. cannot play too much. so everyone have a good sleep and take care.
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