Wednesday, January 20, 2010


today school was ok. have pe for the first lesson. doing circuit training. drain a lot of my energy and make me abit sleepy for the next two lesson. then went for recess and afterthat is phy. have a test. then POA mdm khoo didn't come cos she went to competition. afterschool went for archery. done a very stupid thing at warming up. i through the odac key was missing then i ask ken, kenny, sean and davin to walk around the sch to find the key. but when i go check my bag again, i found the key is inside my bag. then we went back the field to train and couch ask my wad am i finding the i say i walk around to find my wallet. then coach ask where i lost it then i say i found it in my bag. then she say don be too careless. afterthat go shoot for a few round then started to joke around. then 5.30pm archery end.. thx guys make ur walk for nothing... and happy birthday to sean

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