Friday, February 12, 2010

chinese new year celebration

today school a bit cuck. morning had a very long talk buy some of the teacher. boring until i going to sleep. afterthat went back to class to do the hamper. only got 12 people do, the rest go for achievement day thing. then 11.15am went hall for the celebration. super suck lo. only got one performance and its not very, cos the ava got a lot of problem. but kenny very hyper at seeing girl singing. after the celebration, went back home to shower. then go to causeway point meet them. went to have sakae sushi for lunch. then when paying the bill, they give not enough money to me. then i have to use my own money to help them pay first. afterthat walk around causeway to relax ourself. then went home. saw my bro using the comp. then i can't use. now he went out for awhile. later come back home use again. till here... wish all my chinese friend a happy chinese new year!!! 恭喜发财

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